Diana Lipps Learning Online Tutoring
New! Physics, Pre-Calc, Calculus tutoring plus Reading Assessment & Diagnostic Evaluation
What parents and students say about Diana Lipps Learning tutors:
"Diana has won the heart (and brains) of our boys. They are excited to read and discuss the books and assignments for Diana’s reading and writing class. They are ready to work with Diana every week to expand their skill set and also just chat. Diana challenges my kids with materials she has researched and carefully curated to match their level. She’s invested in the enrichment process and, like us parents, wants to see results translate. Diana is a wonderful addition to our boys’ lives." —Bonnie
"Diana has tutored my 6th grader this year, who needed extra help to organize his thoughts, prepare for tests, and improve his sentence structure. She is a very dedicated and thorough tutor; my son has progressed a lot."—Abigail
"Diana not only ensures that my son's history outlines are done correctly but adds subtext to make the topic more interesting and interactive." —Samantha
Here's what students say about Professor Modro (instructor of the College Prep Writing Class):
"I really enjoyed this class. You really helped me expand my knowledge of writing all types of papers. Thank you!!"
"Great professor."
"It has been a pleasure to expand upon collegiate English concepts with Professor Modro."
"(She) made all the material crystal clear and really wanted to help us."
"I really enjoyed this class! Thank you, Prof. Modro!"
About Ethan Hastings, math tutor: "Our sessions were really helpful to prepare for tests, midterms, and finals. I was able to further my understanding of specific concepts that we spent less time on in class." —Lucas​